Christmas 2009
To summarize this year seems daunting. So, you may know that in 2007 our big news was the bus accident (it hit Nathan while he was riding his road bike), in 2008 it was Nathan’s heart attack, and this year 2009 it is the life and death of Katelynn. We sincerely hope for a boring 2010!
On December 26, 2008, Leta had an ultrasound: it showed some problems. As 2009 began, Leta had been on bed rest for four months. Our thoughts, actions, and prayers were all focused for Katelynn. Each of us had a job to do that was far from the normal. Nathan, in addition to his job—that he does so well with such focus in the midst of hardship—had to do Leta’s chores, laundry, dishes, cleaning, etc., while I, Leta, was to avoid becoming permanently disabled by staying down. Leta used a cane, two canes, a walker, and then a wheelchair. Leta’s OB said it was the most painful pregnancy he had ever witnessed… Leta is oddly proud of this: with all his years as an OB, it is good to know if you are enduring pain you couldn’t before comprehend, you aren’t being wimpy! Leta’s ability to do became less and less as others did more and more of what she was accustom to doing. Our church ward, our friends and Leta’s parents overwhelmed us with willingness to help with anything they could. So much so that the idea of writing thank you notes is impossible! So much love and service has been given to us: Thank You!
And, let us not overlook Nathaniel and Ailsa in their efforts and sacrifice to get their little sister to this earth. At times, they had to get their own snacks and learn to be independent beyond their years. Ailsa can make a great peanut butter sandwich, which is not a small accomplishment for being four. She also enjoyed total control over what color combinations she would wear. Nathaniel once was sent off to afternoon kindergarten hungry because Leta forgot to remind him to eat. When he was delivered home by a helping neighbor, he announced he was hungry. Leta felt mortified at her oversight. But, he brought her a snack first before helping himself, without being asked to, selfless remembering Leta’s needs first. What a great accomplishment at any age, let alone his of six at the time. Each of the kids enjoyed activities, school, soccer, football, dance, hikes with their Dad, playtime with Pia (a wonderful young lady we were blessed to have as our nanny) and time reading while cuddling with Mom. After seven months of family sacrifice, Katelynn was born on April 1, 2009. Our time with her is sacred: it has made us better people. As many of you know, we have our blog on Katelynn at www.ourtimewithfaith.blogspot.com. We miss her deeply and are thankful for the continued service given by those close to us here, but also by the love extended to Katelynn by our friends and family from literally all over the world.
While some may wonder how one little baby born in a stable could have such an impact, we have a fresh understanding. Katelynn was just one baby, her purpose not even a small crumb to that of the King of all Kings. Yet, in her presence, were all things pure, all things good, and we are forever altered by her 54 days with us. We had hopes that we would have her home, but that was not to be. Though it is so hard, we are so thankful for the message of this Christmas Season to remind each of us that life with all its challenges, with all the good and bad, the message comes back to one baby, who grew to a man, who exemplified to mankind obedience to His Father’s will. For all the suffering, He made possible through His atonement the greatest of all gifts: eternal life.
The Greene family is thankful. We are thankful for the prayers of our friends, our ward family and our families. We are thankful for the gospel of Jesus Christ that teaches that families are forever, that there is a plan of happiness, and that our Katelynn is busy doing good in the spirit world. When Nathaniel and Ailsa ask what Katelynn is doing, we tell them she is teaching people about Jesus and how much Jesus loves them. We tell them that she is so happy except that she misses us, that she won’t be fully happy until we are together in Heaven again. In thinking of our own grief, Nathan and Leta are again renewing our commitment to be better, to work harder, and to live better. As we went to Disneyland in her honor, as we traveled to see Nathan’s family at Thanksgiving time, and as we go about the daily events of our lives, it is our hope to remember the gift, the honor, and the message of this last year.
There is nothing more important than family. It is only through the plan of our Savior, through his atonement that we can all be together again. On our wall hangs our favorite picture of Katelynn next to it the words: “We CHOOSE to be an ETERNAL family.” Since each of you are also our family it is our wish to share with you our love, our gratitude—and with all that has happened—our testimony that our Jesus Christ lives, He loves us, and may we remember Him and choose to follow the Babe whose birth we celebrate.
Merry Christmas