Katelynn was born 1 April 2009. Long before she was born, she was a miracle. Our two other children came as our 6th and 9th pregnancies. We were done trying and felt very blessed to have the two children we had. Then, we felt that God wanted us to get pregnant again. This was a challenge of faith for us; we wanted more children, but because of the miscarriages and my hip and back problems, we felt getting pregnant to be to large a risk. So, when we were inspired to get pregnant it was a big decision. Then Nathan, my husband, had a massive heart attack, died briefly and then came back. We were very thankful and knew that though Nathan had moderate-to-severe heart tissue damage, we needed to do what God was asking us to do and get pregnant, so we got pregnant. We went to a follow up appointment for the heart and it was miraculously healed. That is when I first thought I wouldn’t lose the pregnancy. When we found out we were to have a girl, we choose the name Katelynn Faith. Katelynn means ‘pure’ so her name means “pure faith”. On December 26th we were told that our little girl had Trisomy 18, which accompanies heart, brain and kidney problems. Trisomy 18 usually means that the baby dies either during birth or shortly thereafter. Fortunately it came back that she didn’t have Trisomy 18, but a rare Chromosome problem that is completely unique. The two other babies on medical record with similar chromosome issues were both terminated. Since her birth, the problems that were expected have gotten better, and other unexpected issues have arisen. Her symptoms and her chromosome issue track what is known as Jacbsen's Syndrome: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jacobsen_syndrome. She has additional chromosome material, however, that seems to also be causing additional defects, including with the kidneys. We know that Katelynn's time with us is a miracle and whatever problems Katelynn faces we know that God wanted her in our family and we feel honored to have her here. Moreover, Katelynn's presence in our lives and my mobility issues with my hip and back have allowed us to see the miracles of many of you who have served us so unselfishly. Our thanks to all of you for that support, and especially thanks for your prayers, your fasting, and your love.
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