Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Things are better--Sunday Katelynn was critical unstable, which is as bad as it gets, getting through the night was a miracle-- now Katelynn critical serious she would have to take two steps back to be where she was-- I am trying to breathe again-- Katelynn didn't tolerate being weaned from her ventilator, at the same time that she got a serious NEC infection. She was bleeding from her mouth and nose for several hours, her hemodynamicly (heart rate and blood pressure) dopamine, epinephrine were keeping her heart going and the vent to move the lungs-- that is life support. Now she is off epinephrine and they are giving her less and less dopamine. And they are going to start weaning her on the vent. The anitbotic is working for the NEC infection... she is holding her platelets better. We are going to a better place on the ride that we are on-- God has made a miracle happen and we are hoping once again that we may get to take her home, we pray that she will continue to get better and we can have something "normal" and enjoy the time we are alloted with our precious Katelynn. Thank you for your prayers!

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